Monday, February 4, 2008

If I am God's Beloved .....

then what are we looking for?

I was talking to someone today, telling them about walking through the bookstore the other day and perusing the "New Age" spirituality aisle -- one of my favorites for years. There in front of me, between wicca, astrology, "new age thought", buddhism, sufi, hindu, philosophy, etc. are ever guru's answers on how to have "it" -- whatever 'it' is. I had to kinda laugh when, the last few times I've stood there looking for a new book to read, I've heard this voice in my head telling me to go home and write my own.

I take this a couple different ways:

first, maybe it's time I wrote my own spiritual journey down....or updated the one I started twenty years ago. Twenty years ago, after reading one of Shirley MacLaine's books, I decided that all she was doing was writing her random musings and travels for others to relate to ... how was my journey any different than hers? Okay, well, mine takes place in the midwest and in various spots on this continent, not experiencing Masai warriors and adventures in Tibet. But how is that any different spiritually?

second, why do I keep looking outside myself for answers? What can Sylvia Brown, John Edward, The Secret, or Blavatsky tell me that I don't already have deep in my core? All I'm doing is helping them buy their next BMW, and I'm going into debt to buy bookshelves to house all these books! (LOL)

But if I can only go within and embrace the fact that to God, I am beloved, perfect in my imperfection; just fine the way I am... I can quit worrying about the next "it" book, the next outfit, or my kitchen for that matter. I know that I am exactly where the Universe thinks I should be ... on my path to connect to the Infinite.

1 comment:

John Hanscom said...

Your last paragraph was moving.

Years and years ago, there was a priest in the Diocese named Jean Dementi, who is now with God. She used to tell a story about a friend of hers, a person Jean said was untrained and rather course, but came up with amazing insights.

One day Jean and she were talking, and she turned to Jean and said, "Isn't it amazing we are always where God wants us to be, even when we don't know what the hell is going on around us."