Friday, January 25, 2008

I keep re-reading this week's scripture verse about "no divisions among (us)" and reflect on the fact that division is what some people thrive on. Sad, but true. Divisions cause weakness, cause us to question, and feed feelings of inadequacy and paranoia. Divisiveness tips the scale of "power" and keeps the masses unbalanced. Division feeds on fear.

The Mind of Christ is one of Compassion and Love. Not that gooshy, Victorian love-thing, but a serene caring that comes from understanding we're all connected.

This also has made me reconsider our use of the term "enemy". We even have a prayer in the BCP that is for "our enemies and those who wish us harm". I really think it's time we remove the term "enemy" from our language as well. Who is our enemy? Who is our brother? Aren't they really the same person with a difference of opinion?

We all come from the same God. We all belong to the same God -- the same Universe. We should remove the word enemy from our prayer language, and simply pray for our brothers and sisters who wish us harm. Pray for our brothers and sisters who are frightened, insecure, and who are seeking power over others. Pray for them to understand the truth.

I am God's. I am Christ's sister. It's my responsibility to be Christ-like and promote reconciliation and truth.

If we really want Peace on Earth, we need to change our vocabulary and pray for our brothers and sisters who need Understanding and Love. Pray for our brothers and sisters who wish others harm. Let's the Mind of Christ be opened in all people on this tiny marble-earth, on which we live.

1 comment:

John Hanscom said...

Well said, Kelly.

Hear, O Israel, the Lord your God is one ...