Sunday, January 13, 2008

reflection at the end of week 1 ...

well ...... as I'm sitting here in my warm apartment, I'm concerned deeply for the poor homeless and under-heated that live not only here in Alaska, but also in all parts of the world with questionable winter temps. I feel as though I should be out driving the camps, handing out extra gloves and thermoses full of coffee .... for what little help that would be.

Our questions for this past week were "Who Am I", "What are my Spiritual Gifts", and "What do I bring to the Stable".

Well, who am I? I am a spiritual being compressed in this human form for awhile on this earth. I remember the experience when my father died, and the joy in the room. He was finally free of that ailing body. I just sat there actually with tears of joy thinking to myself how huge our souls are compared to these bodies we learn in.

I'm truly one of the luckiest people I know that I get to work with my spiritual gifts. I'm a healer, teacher, creative cyclone! I keep it real. I work as a healer for about 15 people every week -- not always the same people, but I see 60 people in my office every month. They come -- some broken in mind and spirit, others just aching from too much skiing, hiking, and overly ambitious workout schedules. But they come. What do I bring to the stable of my workplace? The "gift" of keeping it real and of listening both to what they say verbally and what their bodies and souls tell me -- and them. I'm a conduit. I am a "keeper of the sacred space".

That stable image is something I sit with: what is it? the absolute last resort or that Grace we don't see that appears when we most need it. I prefer the latter. Come in and spend some time in The Stable -- get to know Nature; spend some time in the night Silence. Commune with God. Just bundle up; it's going to be cold tonight!

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