Thursday, January 10, 2008

We're off and walking

On Sunday we began our pilgrimage and already its been exciting to hear about how people are engaging in this journey. Both Barb and Jackie have invited others to join us on this walk and they will be taking the meditations to them and bringing the record of their miles back to us. At the vestry meeting on Tuesday, I heard reports of 3 miles, 7 miles, 2 miles,15 miles already. There have been phone calls about suggested meditations, destinations and parish activities. So, it seemed appropriate to create a forum for sharing our experiences and encouraging one another on the journey. There are several ways to post entries here: Sign up as an author with the blog, send an e-mail to and I will post your entry, send a picture or post a picture, or give Gail a call or share a story on Sunday and indicate that we can post it.

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